The Shake!
2:00 PM14:00

The Shake!


Join in on a unique somatic event- The Shake. What is The Shake, you ask? It is a durational practice where we will be shaking to music for around 45 minutes. Shaking can look all kinds of different ways. It can be vigorous, like jumping up and down, it can be gentle, like lying down, and just moving fingertips. It can look like dancing. Although we will be in the practice collectively in a room together, we will be focusing on our own personal experience throughout. This practice is ultimately about tuning into your body, and finding your way to stay with the experience- it’s worth it!

Shaking has always been part of life and movement. Part of dance, part of releasing tension, part of building energy, part of regulating. It is a way to release tension in the body, and we and other animals do it naturally.

This will be a fun event, with a playlist designed to help us in our durational practice. This will be a kind event, where you are encouraged to listen to your internal wisdom and care. It will be a radical event, where we go for staying “in” (which can be a hard thing).

During these times of great emotional, mental, physical and psychic stress, both individual and societal, this is a great event to help one another let go, loosen up, move intentionally, and learn from our body’s wisdom.

We will start with a brief circle for orientation, move into the experience, and end with some minutes of silence, and perhaps a check in, if that feels right. We will likely end by 3:15PM, but will have the space until 3:30PM for a spacious end.

Cost is $10-$25, and you can pay in advance to reserve your spot via

Venmo: @Robin-Shaw-18 You can also pay at the door. Best to let me know that you’ll be coming (email me: or text: 352-238-0295)

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Seasonal Sabbatical for Healthcare Workers With Ari Kriegsman and Harrison Blum
to Apr 6

Seasonal Sabbatical for Healthcare Workers With Ari Kriegsman and Harrison Blum

  • Nine Mountain Retreats (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I am absolutely thrilled to be part of this incredible team, offering a weekend retreat for healthcare workers. Read on, and please reach out with any questions, or to register.

For even more information, please visit:

An invitation from Ari Kriegsman, MD

Hello friends near and far! 

I'm writing to invite you to an event this December that is near and dear to my heart: a weekend "sabbatical" retreat for healthcare workers. 

This will be our third time doing this, and it continues to feel like something I simply need to offer. Having spent my entire career working with patients who have experienced intense trauma, early in COVID I started to see similar signs in some of my colleagues in the hospital. 

From mild burnout to full-on PTSD, many of us are struggling. But the nightly ritual of banging on pots and pans for frontline workers is long gone. And it's hard to see ways in which the healthcare system is going to heal itself. 

For the past 25 years, practicing yoga and mindfulness has helped me to get through medical training, and has sustained me in my work with people experiencing homelessness and addiction. Going on weekend retreats, and practicing yoga daily have been my life blood. But for the most part, they've been separate from my work.

Now it feels like time to bring my worlds together. 

And I really hope you'll join me.


Maybe one day the healthcare industry will realize the value of sabbaticals and figure out ways to make them happen. In the meantime...we have weekends🙂 !

This weekend "sabbatical" uses evidence based tools to help us slow down.

To notice the pauses.

And in those pauses, to remember who we are, and why we do the work that we do. It will leave us feeling like we have had a 2 week vacation, with freshness and space as we return back to our lives.

It will be fun, simple, surprising, and refreshing. 

We have had 2 Seasonal Sabbaticals to date, and they honestly have felt like revelations. 

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Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica with Chandra Cantor & Robin Shaw
to Mar 1

Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica with Chandra Cantor & Robin Shaw

February 22 - March 1, 2025

Register Here:

We are thrilled to be hosting our 13th annual Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica! Come join us! The magical rainforest, gorgeous Caribbean sea and daily yoga practices invite rejuvenation and amazement for mind, body and spirit. Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw will be your guides and teachers for the week, teaching twice daily practices that will inspire self-growth and bring you a sense of relaxation replenishment and joy.

Cost Includes:
~7 nights accommodation
~2 yoga classes daily
~3 healthy and nutritious meals per day
~Excursion to the Cahuita National Park
~Transportation to and from San Jose to the retreat center

Pricing Tiers:
6 Person Dorm Room: $1450
Triple: $1590
Double: $1790
Private Room: $2190

For Details and to register, visit or

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Playshop For The New Year with Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw- Creatively Visioning Into 2025!
12:30 PM12:30

Playshop For The New Year with Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw- Creatively Visioning Into 2025!

Click on the beautiful image for more information and to register!

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Seasonal Sabbatical for Healthcare Workers With Ari Kriegsman and Harrison Blum
to Dec 8

Seasonal Sabbatical for Healthcare Workers With Ari Kriegsman and Harrison Blum

  • Nine Mountain Retreats (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I am absolutely thrilled to be part of this incredible team, offering a weekend retreat for healthcare workers. Read on, and please reach out with any questions, or to register.

For even more information, please visit:

An invitation from Ari Kriegsman, MD

Hello friends near and far! 

I'm writing to invite you to an event this December that is near and dear to my heart: a weekend "sabbatical" retreat for healthcare workers. 

This will be our third time doing this, and it continues to feel like something I simply need to offer. Having spent my entire career working with patients who have experienced intense trauma, early in COVID I started to see similar signs in some of my colleagues in the hospital. 

From mild burnout to full-on PTSD, many of us are struggling. But the nightly ritual of banging on pots and pans for frontline workers is long gone. And it's hard to see ways in which the healthcare system is going to heal itself. 

For the past 25 years, practicing yoga and mindfulness has helped me to get through medical training, and has sustained me in my work with people experiencing homelessness and addiction. Going on weekend retreats, and practicing yoga daily have been my life blood. But for the most part, they've been separate from my work.

Now it feels like time to bring my worlds together. 

And I really hope you'll join me.


Maybe one day the healthcare industry will realize the value of sabbaticals and figure out ways to make them happen. In the meantime...we have weekends🙂 !

This weekend "sabbatical" uses evidence based tools to help us slow down.

To notice the pauses.

And in those pauses, to remember who we are, and why we do the work that we do. It will leave us feeling like we have had a 2 week vacation, with freshness and space as we return back to our lives.

It will be fun, simple, surprising, and refreshing. 

We have had 2 Seasonal Sabbaticals to date, and they honestly have felt like revelations. 

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Restorative Yoga & Massage With Chandra Cantor & Robin Shaw
3:00 PM15:00

Restorative Yoga & Massage With Chandra Cantor & Robin Shaw

Join Chandra & Robin for an afternoon of deep relaxation and massage! Chandra will guide the class through a sequence of Restorative Yoga postures - long holds in passive, gentle poses supported by yoga props - while Robin, massage therapist, offers therapeutic bodywork.

This luxurious 2 hour class is a wonderful opportunity to slow down, practice self-care, and receive healing touch. All levels welcome.

Reach out with any questions you may have: Robin: or Chandra:

Chandra and Robin are very excited to host this day for love, inspiration, integration, rest and renewal.

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Reunion Flow Yoga Class!!
1:30 PM13:30

Reunion Flow Yoga Class!!

How long has it been, yogi friends? I’ve missed you, and it’s time to reunite for a special yoga class.

Let’s meet up in person (!) for a feel good hour long flow class. The actual class will begin at 1:30 until 2:30PM, but we will meet up around 1PM (or maybe a little before, depending on attendance), to reunite!

There is the option to stay for the Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop that follows from 3-5PM.

$30 for the hour long Reunion Flow Class, $65 for the Reunion Flow Class & Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop.

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Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop at The Arlington Center
3:30 PM15:30

Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop at The Arlington Center


Join Chandra Cantor & Robin Shaw for an afternoon of deep relaxation and massage! Chandra will guide the class through a sequence of Restorative Yoga postures - long holds in passive, gentle poses supported by yoga props - while Robin, massage therapist, offers therapeutic bodywork. This luxurious 2 hour class is a wonderful opportunity to slow down, practice self-care, and receive healing touch. All levels welcome. There is the option to take the October Playshop~~along with the Restorative Yoga and Massage Workshop.

Reach out with any questions you may have: Robin: or Chandra:

Chandra and Robin are very excited to host this day for love, inspiration, integration, rest and renewal.

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Playshop for Autumn~~ Welcoming it All~
12:30 PM12:30

Playshop for Autumn~~ Welcoming it All~

(Just keep clicking on the beautiful images to get to registration!)

What a time of year autumn is! There is so much fullness- beauty is here and we are in its flow. Beauty takes on the full spectrum in fall~~ it is a time of year to honor darkness as much as light. In this Playshop, we will explore creatively through movement, journaling, art making and sharing in community.

Choose delightful, meaningful creative expression. Nurture self and community. Receive support. This Playshop will offer you a space to explore the full spectrum of life- from deep shadow to brilliant light. It is all beautiful and filled with possibility.

If you are craving some space to just be, for creative expression and impulse, if you want to reconnect to your whole self, if you'd like to be with this in the structure of supportive community, this is for you!

There is the option to take this Playshop along with the Restorative Yoga and Massage Workshop that follows from 3:30-5:30PM. Chandra and Robin are very excited to host this gentle and creative day for love, inspiration, renewal and letting go!

Bring along a journal, art supplies of any kind (we will also supply many), and dress in loose comfortable clothes, especially if you’re staying for Restorative Yoga and Massage afterwards This is for all levels, and no prior art, movement or yoga experience is needed.

Reach out with any questions you may have: Robin: or Chandra:

$40 for the Playshop alone, $75 for Playshop and Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop

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May Playshop for Creativity~~ Release and Renew for the Spring Season~~
12:30 PM12:30

May Playshop for Creativity~~ Release and Renew for the Spring Season~~

Spring is upon us! What a time for reconnecting to the roots of what is important to us so that we can manifest blooms that feel beautiful, and most connected to our authentic and potent selves! We will explore creatively through movement, journaling, art making and sharing in community. Nurture self and community. Receive support. Choose delightful, meaningful creative expression! You will leave this Playshop feeling renewed as well as lighter!

If you are craving some space for creative expression and impulse, if you want to reconnect to what you'd like to manifest in the world, if you'd like to be with this in the structure of supportive community, this is for you!

There is the option to take this Playshop along with the Restorative Yoga and Massage Workshop that follows from 3-5PM. Chandra and Robin are very excited to host this gentle and creative day for love, inspiration, renewal and letting go!

Bring along a journal, art supplies of any kind (we will also supply many), and dress in loose comfortable clothes, especially if you’re staying for Restorative Yoga and Massage afterwards  This is for all levels, and no prior art, movement or yoga experience is needed.

Reach out with any questions you may have: Robin: or Chandra:

$40 for the Playshop alone, $75 for Playshop and Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop

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Restorative Yoga & Massage in Northampton, MA
12:00 PM12:00

Restorative Yoga & Massage in Northampton, MA

with Chandra Cantor & Robin Shaw

Join us for an afternoon of deep relaxation and massage!

Yoga instructor Chandra Cantor will guide the class through a sequence of restorative yoga postures—long holds in passive, gentle poses supported by yoga props—while licensed bodyworker Robin Shaw offers therapeutic massage. This luxurious 2-hour class is a wonderful opportunity to slow down, practice self-care, and receive healing touch.

About Robin Shaw, visiting bodyworker: 
Robin Shaw’s curiosity about the body and its connection to the world it inhabits is the foundation for her practice as a yoga teacher, hands on bodyworker, and life coach.  Robin has been studying yoga, movement, meditation, somatics, and personal development for over twenty five years, and has been teaching yoga since 1999.  Robin is passionate about the inner and outer processes of her students, offering an environment where students can tap into their greatest potential, celebrating a deep sense of self, growing understandings of the mind/body/spirit continuum, connections to the tender and vibrant heart, and the aliveness of spirit. You can learn more at

Saturday, March 30th, 12-2pm (in-studio only)

Sliding scale workshop pricing, $30-$50*. Suggested price: $40.

*A note regarding accessibility to all Sanctuary offerings: 

We have a range of scholarship options available. If the cost of participating is prohibitive, please email us at to learn more.

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Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica February 24- March 2, 2024
to Mar 2

Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica February 24- March 2, 2024

  • The Goddess Garden Eco Resort (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Costa Rica Retreat


Our 12th annual Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica! (PLEASE DO NOT) REGISTER HERE

***Check in with us before registering. We have only certain types of rooms remaining***

The magical rainforest, gorgeous Caribbean sea and daily yoga practices invite rejuvenation and amazement for mind, body and spirit. This will be our 12th time offering this wonderful retreat, so it is special on multiple levels. Come join us!

Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw will be your guides and teachers for the week, teaching twice daily practices that will inspire self-growth and bring you a sense of relaxation, replenishment and joy.

Cost includes:

7 nights accommodation
2 yoga classes daily
3 healthy and nutritious meals per day
Excursion to the Cahuita National Park
Transportation to and from San Jose to the retreat center
Pricing tiers

6 Person Dorm Room: $1350
Triple: $1490
Double: $1690
Private Room: $2090

Click for more details and to register

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Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop with Chandra Cantor & Robin Shaw
3:00 PM15:00

Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop with Chandra Cantor & Robin Shaw

Join Chandra & Robin for an afternoon of deep relaxation and massage! Chandra will guide the class through a sequence of Restorative Yoga postures - long holds in passive, gentle poses supported by yoga props - while Robin, massage therapist, offers therapeutic bodywork. This luxurious 2 hour class is a wonderful opportunity to slow down, practice self-care, and receive healing touch. All levels welcome . There is the option to take the Playshop For The New Year with Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw- Creatively Visioning Into 2024!! along with the Restorative Yoga and Massage Workshop.

Chandra and Robin are very excited to host this day for love, inspiration, integration, rest and renewal.

Reach out with any questions you may have: Robin: or Chandra:

$40 for Restorative/Massage Workshop alone, $75 for Playshop and Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop

Click Image Below to Register & Purchase

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Playshop For The New Year with Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw- Creatively Visioning Into 2024!
12:30 PM12:30

Playshop For The New Year with Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw- Creatively Visioning Into 2024!

The new year is an opportunity to slow down, and take time to remember what’s important; to dream into what might be this coming year, to look back at what has been. We will explore creatively through movement, journaling, art making and sharing in community. Nurture your body, receive support, choose your creative expression, and leave this Playshop with resources to manifest your visions, hopes and dreams. There is the option to take this Playshop along with the Restorative Yoga and Massage Workshop that follows from 3-5PM. Chandra and Robin are very excited to host this day for love, inspiration, integration, rest and renewal.

Bring along a journal, art supplies of any kind (we will supply many as well), and dress in loose comfortable clothes, especially if you’re staying for Restorative Yoga and Massage afterwards :) This is for all levels, and no prior art, movement or yoga experience is needed.

Reach out with any questions you may have: Robin: or Chandra:

$40 for the Playshop alone, $75 for Playshop and Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop

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Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica February 11-18, 2023- SOLD OUT!
to Feb 18

Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica February 11-18, 2023- SOLD OUT!

  • The Goddess Garden Eco Resort (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Costa Rica Retreat


Our 11th annual Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica! REGISTER HERE

The magical rainforest, gorgeous Caribbean sea and daily yoga practices invite rejuvenation and amazement for mind, body and spirit. This will be our 11th time offering this wonderful retreat, so it is special on multiple levels. Come join us!

Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw will be your guides and teachers for the week, teaching twice daily practices that will inspire self-growth and bring you a sense of relaxation, replenishment and joy.

Cost includes:

7 nights accommodation
2 yoga classes daily
3 healthy and nutritious meals per day
Excursion to the Cahuita National Park
Transportation to and from San Jose to the retreat center
Pricing tiers

6 Person Dorm Room: $1350
Triple: $1450
Double: $1550
Private Room: $1950

Click for more details and to register

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Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica February 2022---SOLD OUT!
to Feb 19

Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica February 2022---SOLD OUT!

  • The Goddess Garden Eco Resort (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Costa Rica Retreat

Our 10th annual Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica!

The magical rainforest, gorgeous Caribbean sea and daily yoga practices invite rejuvenation and amazement for mind, body and spirit. This will be our 10th time offering this wonderful retreat, so it is special on multiple levels. Come join us!

Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw will be your guides and teachers for the week, teaching twice daily practices that will inspire self-growth and bring you a sense of relaxation, replenishment and joy.

Cost includes:

7 nights accommodation
2 yoga classes daily
3 healthy and nutritious meals per day
Excursion to the Cahuita National Park
Transportation to and from San Jose to the retreat center
Pricing tiers

6 Person Dorm Room: $1350
Triple: $1450
Double: $1550
Private Room: $1950

Click for more details and to register

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Outdoor Yoga with BCY!
8:00 AM08:00

Outdoor Yoga with BCY!

Great News! Black Crow Yoga is now offering outdoor classes! I will be teaching every Thursday, from 8-9AM (weather permitting). Classes are located at the Robbins Memorial Gardens (the Whittemore-Robbins Area), just behind the Robbins Library in Arlington Center. We will be distanced, and will be able to remove our masks during the practice! Pre-Registration is required. Check Black Crow Yoga’s website for more detailed information. As of now, I will generally be teaching every Thursday morning class! Occasionally, other teachers will cycle in. I’ll keep you updated here!

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Yoga Retreat Costa Rica 2020
to Feb 29

Yoga Retreat Costa Rica 2020

  • The Goddess Garden Nature Retreat and Spa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Come for our annual yoga retreat in beautiful Costa Rica! We are thrilled to be offering this fun and fully rejuvenating adventure.

The magical rainforest and gorgeous Caribbean sea invite rejuvenation and amazement for mind, body and spirit.

Chandra Cantor and Robin Shaw will be your “yoga goddesses” for the week, teaching twice daily practices that will inspire and bring you a sense of relaxation, replenishment and joy, and offers space for self growth.

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Flow, Let Go & Drift Into Bliss
7:00 PM19:00

Flow, Let Go & Drift Into Bliss

The perfect time of year to focus on you, and let go of the outside world for awhile!

There are three parts to this nourishing class: a sweet, slow flow, leading into a yin restorative sequence, ending with an extended guided yoga nidra.

Bring your own blanket(s) to bundle up.

This is intended as a space for deep self care, and a gentle reset for mind, heart and body. Robin invites you to access a deep state of relaxation where receptivity to your innate heart wisdom and core intelligence lie. Use this practice to dissolve stress, reprogram your energy and arrive at a place of connection and peace.

To Register:

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The Power of Inner Allies: How to Build Your Internal Dream Team
2:00 PM14:00

The Power of Inner Allies: How to Build Your Internal Dream Team

The Power of Inner Allies: How to Build Your Internal Dream Team 

With Robin Shaw & Emily Citrone

To Register:

This workshop is for you if you’d like to cultivate powerful inner and outer resources to support your life’s path, and increase your sense of fulfillment, resilience, and happiness. Inner Allies and perspective shifts are important life tools, and are fun to explore in a group setting. We’ll embody, share in small groups, journal and have time to reflect. Read on for more detailed information!

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New Bliss: Flow & Let Go
7:00 PM19:00

New Bliss: Flow & Let Go

A wonderful practice to balance your system at the end of the week. We’ll start with a smooth and satisfying vinyasa flow sequence, and slowly wind down to a yin restorative practice, with cushy, relaxing poses. Deep savasana at the end of class to fully reset and recharge your body, mind and spirit. Ahhhhhhh…..

Register here:

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New Bliss: Bloom Into You
7:00 PM19:00

New Bliss: Bloom Into You

When have you felt most fully yourself? What uplifts and inspires you?

Enjoy a moment to vision and craft a summer that’s exactly what you want for yourself, body, mind, and spirit. We’ll have time to journal and brainstorm, share in small groups, and then embody what we discover with a full bloom vinyasa flow.

Please bring a journal for visioning, and a body ready to move!

Register here:

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