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The Shake!

  • The Arlington Center 369 Massachusetts Avenue Arlington, MA 02474 (map)


Join in on a unique somatic event- The Shake. What is The Shake, you ask? It is a durational practice where we will be shaking to music for around 45 minutes. Shaking can look all kinds of different ways. It can be vigorous, like jumping up and down, it can be gentle, like lying down, and just moving fingertips. It can look like dancing. Although we will be in the practice collectively in a room together, we will be focusing on our own personal experience throughout. This practice is ultimately about tuning into your body, and finding your way to stay with the experience- it’s worth it!

Shaking has always been part of life and movement. Part of dance, part of releasing tension, part of building energy, part of regulating. It is a way to release tension in the body, and we and other animals do it naturally.

This will be a fun event, with a playlist designed to help us in our durational practice. This will be a kind event, where you are encouraged to listen to your internal wisdom and care. It will be a radical event, where we go for staying “in” (which can be a hard thing).

During these times of great emotional, mental, physical and psychic stress, both individual and societal, this is a great event to help one another let go, loosen up, move intentionally, and learn from our body’s wisdom.

We will start with a brief circle for orientation, move into the experience, and end with some minutes of silence, and perhaps a check in, if that feels right. We will likely end by 3:15PM, but will have the space until 3:30PM for a spacious end.

Cost is $10-$25, and you can pay in advance to reserve your spot via

Venmo: @Robin-Shaw-18 You can also pay at the door. Best to let me know that you’ll be coming (contact me vial email: or text 352-238-0295)