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Seasonal Sabbatical for Healthcare Workers With Ari Kriegsman and Harrison Blum

  • Nine Mountain Retreats 9 Mountain Street Plainfield, MA, 01070 United States (map)

I am absolutely thrilled to be part of this incredible team, offering a weekend retreat for healthcare workers. Read on, and please reach out with any questions, or to register.

For even more information, please visit:

An invitation from Ari Kriegsman, MD

Hello friends near and far! 

I'm writing to invite you to an event this December that is near and dear to my heart: a weekend "sabbatical" retreat for healthcare workers. 

This will be our third time doing this, and it continues to feel like something I simply need to offer. Having spent my entire career working with patients who have experienced intense trauma, early in COVID I started to see similar signs in some of my colleagues in the hospital. 

From mild burnout to full-on PTSD, many of us are struggling. But the nightly ritual of banging on pots and pans for frontline workers is long gone. And it's hard to see ways in which the healthcare system is going to heal itself. 

For the past 25 years, practicing yoga and mindfulness has helped me to get through medical training, and has sustained me in my work with people experiencing homelessness and addiction. Going on weekend retreats, and practicing yoga daily have been my life blood. But for the most part, they've been separate from my work.

Now it feels like time to bring my worlds together. 

And I really hope you'll join me.


Maybe one day the healthcare industry will realize the value of sabbaticals and figure out ways to make them happen. In the meantime...we have weekends🙂 !

This weekend "sabbatical" uses evidence based tools to help us slow down.

To notice the pauses.

And in those pauses, to remember who we are, and why we do the work that we do. It will leave us feeling like we have had a 2 week vacation, with freshness and space as we return back to our lives.

It will be fun, simple, surprising, and refreshing. 

We have had 2 Seasonal Sabbaticals to date, and they honestly have felt like revelations. 

Retreat activities

Time in nature, breathwork, mindfulness and yoga are some of my favorite ways to heal and re-energize. 

Yoga, mindfulness and time in nature are forms of self-care that you've likely heard of. 

Breathwork may not be. But it's a fascinating modality and quite useful for quickly accessing different frames of mind.

The weekend will weave these evidence- based practices together with ample down time to leave your relaxed and refreshed.