Summer Feels....
Breathtaking view in Montepulciano, Italy!
Here we are at the mid-point of summer 2022. I wonder what has been alive for you this season? It feels edgy to share that I’ve had such expansive and joyful summer experiences. A trip of a lifetime to Italy with family and friends, garden delights, a return to Earthdance for the Summer Jam, filled with dancing, families, camping, naps in hammocks, woods walks and creative living. Even some time in my garden, and the gentle flow of my work with wonderful clients whom I adore working with.
cherries and mulberries from our neighborhood
While several facets of our country and world seem to be in pathetic tatters, our lives go on. From my perspective, we are collectively learning how to hold tragedies, outrage, deep concern, a sense of disempowerment....right alongside sheer joy, staying hopeful and in action, hearts busted open with so much beauty and love. What is the case for you?
If you find yourself stuck in the hopelessness and fear end of the spectrum, it is understandable. Our nervous systems are pushed to hold all of the terrible news we are taking in. And, being stuck in fear, anxiety, anger or even numbness may not be the most resilient way to be alive right now. I encourage you to believe in shift happening. It is happening all the time. I encourage you to turn towards your outrage and grief and hopelessness, and honor it, and know that it is not all of who you are, or how things must be.
The way we live our lives is a fractal of what is seen in the larger world. Where can you focus your attention? How can you find glimmers of joy and positivity? How can you feel connected and safe? How can you take action?
Shared artwork creation from a Sensory Walk I led at Earthdance in Plainfield, Massachusetts
My coaching work has led me to deepen into these questions, and support folx who might wish to explore these questions too. I love working with artists, creatives, and people going through life transitions. Please reach out if you feel you could benefit from this work.
Robin Shaw is a life coach, yoga teacher and massage therapist. She brings a somatic approach to her coaching and is passionate about the way that the body and brain support one another in deep transformational growth towards a fuller, happier, more balanced life. You can visit her website, www.flowingintowisdom for more information.