Come Back To The Present
When your mental chatter starts getting to you, what happens? Have you ever stopped to notice? Your to-do list begins to run your life, your big projects seem monumental and possibly insurmountable. You freeze because you don’t know where to begin, and you don’t even know what life would be like if you actually *did* begin, and eventually completed all of the tasks ahead of you.
Have you noticed? Do you tend towards flight/flight, freeze, faun, avoid, shut down, dissociate?
Have you noticed? Your shoulders start to hunch, your physical and energy bodies squeeze inward and your breath becomes shallow. You may even get a foggy brain, or imbalanced digestion, headaches, and of course, fear and anxiety creep in and infiltrate waking and sleeping hours. Your saboteur mind takes over.
Stress happens! It just does. We are humans moving in a world that demands a lot from us, just to make it through an average day. Right?
We can’t take away all of life’s stressful moments.
We can, however, look through a different lens. Rather than letting your saboteur mind run you, you can tap into Sage Mind.
Sage mind is PRESENCE mind. Taking a breath to come into this very moment. Taking another breath to notice. Taking a breath to notice all of the intricacies of this very moment. It is your breath and your senses that bring you into the present moment. And, all it takes is a moment!
Actually, all we have is this present moment.
“Presence is an internal state. It is the inclusive awareness of stillness, possibility and immediacy.”
Quick Presencing Reset Practices. Take 30 seconds to a minute at minimum. Nice if it feels safe for you to close your eyes. You can try these seated, standing or lying down:·
Take a Slow, Deep Breath. Now take a few more!
Gently and slowly rub the thumb and forefinger of one hand together, with such attention that you can feel your fingerprint ridges
Close your eyes for at least 30 seconds, and just listen
Put your hand on your heart or your belly
Lean up against a tree, and bathe in nature’s gifts
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Robin Shaw is a life coach, yoga teacher and massage therapist. She brings a somatic approach to her coaching and is passionate about the way that the body and brain support one another in deep transformational growth towards a fuller, happier, more balanced life. You can visit her website, www.flowingintowisdom for more information.