Spirit Wisdom Flow

Spirit Wisdom Flow
Be in the NOW
Make meaning in the world
Get out of your usual routine
Be guided in nature or other inspiring environment
For one person, or a group
We will craft a beautiful and powerful experience, choose a destination to be and slow down, to notice, to listen, to sense. To move, play, experiment and inquire. To be inspired by the wisdom and energy of the environment.
We will choose a topic as a backdrop for the experience. I will guide, hold space, deeply listen, and invite powerful questions to deepen and forward your learning. We may create mini rituals, which will add meaning and integration.
You will be ready to shift perspective, to explore and take risks, to reflect and remember the lessons that this time has taught you. And, to bring them back into the world that you left for a few hours. We may find ourselves out in nature, at a museum or store. A place that can offer you a growing edge.