Playshop for Autumn~~ Welcoming it All

Playshop for Autumn~~ Welcoming it All

from $40.00

What a time of year autumn is! There is so much fullness- beauty is here and we are in its flow. Beauty takes on the full spectrum in fall~~ it is a time of year to honor darkness as much as light. In this Playshop, we will explore creatively through movement, journaling, art making and sharing in community.

Choose delightful, meaningful creative expression. Nurture self and community. Receive support. This Playshop will offer you a space to explore the full spectrum of life- from deep shadow to brilliant light. It is all beautiful and filled with possibility.

If you are craving some space for to just be, for creative expression and impulse, if you want to reconnect to your whole self, if you'd like to be with this in the structure of supportive community, this is for you!

There is the option to take this Playshop along with the Restorative Yoga and Massage Workshop that follows from 3:30-5:30PM. Chandra and Robin are very excited to host this gentle and creative day for love, inspiration, renewal and letting go!

Bring along a journal, art supplies of any kind (we will also supply many), and dress in loose comfortable clothes, especially if you’re staying for Restorative Yoga and Massage afterwards This is for all levels, and no prior art, movement or yoga experience is needed.

Reach out with any questions you may have: Robin: or Chandra:

$40 for the Playshop alone, $75 for Playshop and Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop

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