Potent September Greetings!
September feels especially dynamic right now. It’s still summer for a while, and there’s also the promise of autumn ushering in new energy, new life paths, new schedules for many. Ending points and beginnings abound.
In my life, I feel surrounded by change; beginnings and endings.... new babies in our community, my husband starting massage school and a cuddle therapy practice (!), my sister graduating from her master’s program, and embarking on a new career, dear friends beginning chemo/radiation, people moving into new homes and new lives. A friend claiming a new name, relationship separations, breakups, as well as marriages, and new love blossoming. All at once, some things are sloughing off, and new things arriving and beginning. It feels powerful!
I am welcoming in this rich moment as a teacher and an inspiration. For being with all of this change, and offering my deep soul song, my potency as rich as this season’s bounty. I may not personally have a big beginning or ending happening, but I feel changed because of all of the change around me. Can you relate?
I love to write to you to fill you in on my current inquiries, and to inspire you. To share my offerings with you as we move into this new season.
Visioning, planning, committing, and of course, dancing with the great unknown, are all important pieces for creating the life you’d like to live.
So is receiving support, inspiration and the cosmic nudge that happens when you choose to devote your precious time and energy towards something that feels of significant value.
Playshop for Autumn~~ Welcoming it All~ October 6th from 12:30-3PM at The Arlington Center. I’ll be offering this Playshop alongside my amazing teaching partner, Chandra Cantor. Together, we will explore the fullness of Fall, our shadows and light and the full spectrum of life, through artmaking and creative expression, movement, and sharing in community. A very relaxing and nurturing space for all! No experience is needed. All are welcome!
Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop~ October 6th from 3:30-5:30PM at The Arlington Center. Also alongside Chandra Cantor. The opportunity to relax deeply in restorative yoga poses with props, and healing touch to ease your nervous system.
Reunion Flow Yoga Class!!- November 16th from 1:30-2:30PM at The Arlington Center. We will meet IN PERSON (!) for a feel good hour long flow class. Some of us will meet up beforehand to catch up, schmooze and connect after a long stretch of Zoom only classes. Hooray!! This will be followed by the Restorative Yoga & Massage Workshop that Chandra and I offer.
And, of course, our annual Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica, February 22-March 1, 2025, on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica, at The Goddess Garden nature Retreat & Spa. What can I say? Such a delightful adventure, filled with yoga, laughter, relaxation and renewal opportunities. Our 13th time going! Will this be your year to join us?
In addition to these events, I offer one on one Life Coaching, Bodywork, Yoga, Somatic Coaching & Bodywork, Yoga or Weights Work. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
I am here to work with you body, mind and spirit. On a special project or time in your life, for you to receive healing, intuitive touch, and to inspire you to get moving, to free up stuck energy and feel your most vibrant, authentic self. I love exploring your joys and challenges with you!
Welcome September 2024!!! I look forward to our connection, whatever forms it may take!
Love, ~Robin
Robin Shaw is a life coach, yoga teacher and massage therapist. She brings a somatic approach to her coaching and is passionate about the way that the body and brain support one another in deep transformational growth towards a fuller, happier, more balanced life. You can visit her website, www.flowingintowisdom.com for more information.