Support for India, Yoga Roots, Cultural Appropriation

I don’t often acknowledge the roots of my yoga teaching in my weekly classes. Especially these days, teaching online, time is streamlined. My assumption is that people are ready to move into the power of the physical, mental and perhaps for some, spiritual practice we experience together in a quick hour.

India, likely the birthplace of yoga, is in a Covid crisis right now, It has given me pause. I deeply respect and am inspired by all of the intricacies of yoga as I have learned them, but have not necessarily passed along in my teaching. The study of yoga is vast. I know that I have learned a sliver of what there is to know about this heritage. I am humbled and proud to pass along the essence of what I feel is important, while moving physically and mentally through beautiful and helpful postures.

I sometimes feel the shame of cultural appropriation. I have used some elements of a culture’s richness (which in itself is likely an ancient mish mash of cultural appropriation), and taken it into my culture, to be used without regular and direct acknowledgement of the source, without sharing the depths of their inner meanings. I even make a little money doing it! Ugh- the commercialization of yoga is a whole other topic…..

In this moment, I wish to send support and aid to a country in crisis. India feels like one of my spiritual homelands. A place that carries an ancient lineage that I am tied to through my teachers, my teachings and my practice towards self-realization and union with all. Please know that my bows in class are in honor of and to this tradition of yoga. And, to the ways I see this tradition as connected to everything I do and am, on and off the mat. Please accept my flaws, inevitable misunderstands and omissions, as I attempt to surf the balance of living in this western world, and being inspired by ancient and foreign eastern wisdom.

Please join me in donating to help India in one of its times of great need. Check out Khalsa Aid to donate and learn more: