Robin E. Shaw

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Lifting One Another Up!

Welcome December! For me, this time of year is one where inner light gets cultivated. With the darker and colder days here in the northern hemisphere, it is inviting to dive deep within, to build our internal intentions, check in with our values, create inner coziness and warmth, and also, if we have the bandwidth for it, to shine our light upon others so that we may show care, love, gratitude, hope.

We are just on the heels of Thanksgiving, and I hope you enjoyed a good rest and reset. For some, these holiday seasons are about joy and gratitude, being with family, celebrating harvest, abundance, generosity. For others, this is a time of mourning and feeling misunderstood, unseen and overwhelmed (at best).

I grapple with feeling good vibes when others are struggling.

I am deeply contemplating this, as I anticipate an array of struggles to come about in a big way in the US, as new leadership comes in and makes big changes that will affect some, and therefore, all of us. I want to be a person who will stand up for those being treated unjustly. I hope to not feel powerless, and I am scared that I will.

And, as I grapple with these issues, the world keeps spinning, and beauty abounds, and love persists, and joy is inherent in who we are. Thank goodness!!!

Thank you for living in the paradox with me! Let’s lift one another up as we surf these waves together, living our values in integrity and loving action. May our lives hold this kind of power and intention!

With Love, Light & Gratitude,


Robin Shaw is a life coach, yoga teacher and massage therapist. She brings a somatic approach to her coaching and is passionate about the way that the body and brain support one another in deep transformational growth towards a fuller, happier, more balanced life. You can visit her website, for more information.